
PhotoShop ‘til You Drop

Posted on: 28 April, 09

This afternoon, I spent almost two hours PhotoShopping the 300+ photos from the middle school play.  The only editing I did was cropping, adjusting the exposure a bit, and deleting the really bad ones.  Editing a couple sewing photos seemed like child’s play after that. 

Here is the skirt I started with:



Hubski bought this skirt in India with the plan that I would take it apart to make something else with the fabric.  As you can see on the dressform, the skirt is seriously long, but that was a good thing.  It meant more fabric for sewing.  The skirt is two layers of silk. 




I love the borders and want to feature them in the design.  This ethnic look is very trendy for summer.  Silk is divine in the summer because it breathes so well. 



There was not very much of the pretty gold border.  I measured quite a few patterns to find one that would work.  Design #7 from the 02/08 issue of Ottobre Woman was the winner.  The silk is very sheer.  I decided against lining with another fabric because I really wanted to keep this top “all silk.”  Yes, I could have bought silk for lining, but where’s the challenge in that?  Instead, I twisted and played with the pieces until I found a configuration that worked. 




















The lower bodice is cut on the bias instead of being gathered.  The odd shape of the fabric lent itself more readily to cutting it on the bias instead of a long piece that is gathered.  The top layer of the lower bodice is cut slightly shorter than the bottom layer.  I like the style of this and there was not enough fabric to make them the same length.  I really used every last bit.  At first, I was a little disappointed that there was not enough border for both edges of the cross over bodice.  Once I started sewing it, I decided the asymmetry looks better. 

This was definitely a case of obstacles forcing me to be more creative.  Problems, mistakes, and limitations push me to think more creatively, to look beyond the pattern.  When it is too easy, it isn’t nearly as much fun. 

10 Responses to "PhotoShop ‘til You Drop"

How beautiful is that? Love the fabric, and love the way you included the border. I agree with you on how much fun it is to face a challenge. I was looking through my pictures, and I love the jeans I made for Olivia with the red jeans border. My favorite pair of pants for her. My biggest challenge too.
Great work Teri, too bad you cannot make a matching skirt. It would be a lovely evening outfit.

Great job with the fabric, it looks fantastic.

I especially like how you used the gold border asymmetrically on the cross front. Beautiful.

great use of the borders!!

Beautiful job – does the trim beneath the bust go all around, or just in front? Regardless, I love it!

Reply to Jill: the trim goes all the way around. that was my choice… have it both bodice pieces or go all the way around. i like it better with it all the way around. makes the back attractive too. 🙂

the top is adorable! I like the asymetrical look….it gives it a sari look.

Very nice looking top. And–isn’t “thinking outside the box” what we would like to teach our children? You did it very succesfully.

A really lovely top. I love the gold border too.

Looks really great. Excellent use for the fabric. I’m behind on my blog reading but hope to catch up in a few days.

wow. Wonderful

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