
Archive for the ‘random thoughts’ Category

It has been too long, way too long.  I apologize for my absence, but it is rather nice to know I have been missed.  All the emails and comments have boosted my spirits.  The last few months have been a wild ride.  There have been many times I have thought about posting, even composed posts in my head. 

Some things were just too personal to share on the internet; they were not mine to share.  For some bloggers, nothing in their lives is off limits.  I am very protective of my family and friends’ privacy.  It makes for a less interesting blog, but I won’t sell out my family and friends for the amusement of others. 

Other things were just too whiny.  No one wants to read post after post of “Oh, woe is me.”  Even with everything the recent craziness around here, I am the first one to admit that it could be worse, so much worse.  Some days, it was a challenge to remember that.  There were some days of wallowing.  I tried to limit the number of people that were dragged into my pity parties.  The last few months have been a great reminder to focus on the positive.

Today, I finally found my happy place again, my sewing studio.  When my knee finally permitted me to sit at sewing machine again a couple weeks ago, my first project was costumes for the high school play.  It was all alterations and repairs of costumes from the school’s inventory.  While it was a relief to not have the pressure to create a full cast of costumes, alterations and repairs are hardly inspiring sewing.  Today, I sewed for me.  Wanting and needing immediate gratification, I went for a simple knit dress from Ottobre. 

It was amazing how handling fabric and hearing the purr of my machine was so soothing.  It felt good to create something pretty.  I have always joked about “needing” to sew, about sewing being a form of therapy.  It is not a joke.  So much tension and stress just melted away. 

Over the last few months, I have managed to keep myself busy, but I missed the design process.  I missed the creativity of sewing.  It is not a matter of “keep busy.”  There is something about taking a flat piece of fabric and turning it into something beautiful to wear. 

Perhaps it is a control issue.  With sewing, I am in charge.  I decide which fabric to use.  I decide how that fabric will drape around the body.  I decide what it will become.  I make the rules.  Sewing is something I know I can do well, yet there are always new things to learn, new ways to challenge myself.  When things around me feel out of my control, I can go to my happy place, pull out some fabric and turn it into something beautiful. 


Just when I need a little silliness, a friend comes through for me.  The photo is terrible.  (Yeah, like that’s a big surprise on this blog.)  In case you can’t tell from the photo, this is a Hello Kitty Silly Band.  Seriously, they sell these.  Hello Kitty was to be left out of the Silly Band craze. 

What is even more exciting about this Silly Band is the fact that it glows in the dark.  Silly me tried to take a photo of that but the flash presented a problem with the whole “glow in the dark” drama.  In my defense, I was in alone in a hotel room in Connecticut after a long day of travel.  Silliness was definitely the rule of the day.  (I will tell you all about Connecticut soon… as soon as I can process the whole expedition.) 

I love having friends who realize I don’t need expensive gifts.  Something ridiculous and frivolous will make me smile for days.  Over the last couple weeks, that silly little bit of rubber has given me something to smile about when there wasn’t much else.  Another friend of mine swiped a mermaid from her daughter’s Silly Band baggie.  She is hiding it from her daughter until she sees me again.  Grown women and Silly Bands.  Isn’t it awesome?


What I wouldn’t give to be back on this sailboat!  Things are a bit stressful in this Mermaid’s lagoon.  I am once again reminded that crisis does not always bring out the best in people.  However, I think it brings out one’s true colors. 

We often excuse a harsh word said during a crisis because “they were upset and didn’t know what they were saying.”  I agree that they were upset and forgot to filter their true feelings.  When life is calm, we have the extra energy to choose our words more carefully, to count to ten and let small transgression go without comment.  In a crisis, we shoot from the hip and speak from that more primal, instinctive part of the brain.  It is during a crisis when a family shows what they are made of, when words are spoken that cannot be taken back. 

On the other side of the equation is the target of those barbed words who is also operating from a more vulnerable place.  The recipient is less able to rationalize away the hurtful words.  There is no extra energy to reframe callous comments into something more palatable. 

A crisis shows what a family is really made of.  My boys have risen to the occasion, like I knew they would.  Poor C’s birthday has been shoved to the back burner.  He said, “Don’t worry.  I have so much already.  We can do something when things calm down.”  J  is being extra nice to make C’s birthday as special as possible.  Hubski and I are on the side, trying to gently steer the others through these rough waters.  My little family has shown what they are made of, and it is good stuff.  Some others could take a lesson.

I have said it before, but it bears repeating.  I am not a gardener.  I don’t want to be a gardener, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a beautiful garden.  I don’t have a beautiful garden, therefore, I am beyond excited when something grows in our yard.  If it produces a pretty flower, that’s a reason to throw a party. 


A few weeks ago, we planted a butterfly bush.  Rumor has it they grow with absolutely no intervention on my part.  That is my kind of plant.  We stuck in the ground and occasionally remembered to water it.  Miraculously, it has grown! 

The butterflies definitely love this plant.  I love to see them swarm all over the bush.  There is another miscellaneous plant (no idea what it is) near the butterfly bush that attracts really fat bumble bees.  It makes me quite happy to see all that activity by our mailbox.  Even when things in the people world are turned upside down, the butterflies and bumblebees are totally unfazed.  They buzz and blissfully flit from flower to flower.  They are a wonderful reminder that no matter what happens in my life, no matter how huge I think my problems are, the butterflies and bumblebees will continue to buzz and flit.  Life goes on. 


I had to share this just because it is so cute.  I would love to have this little guy on my desk. 

No, we did not buy a new house.  We love our house.  We love our neighborhood.  We love our schools.  The town is a little on the “meh” side, but you can’t have everything.  Oh… the moving thing…

After much (ok, some) soul searching, I have decided to move blog over to Blogger.  Google now runs about 99% of my life… Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Voice, Google Maps, etc, etc.  It seems only appropriate that my blog join the party over there.  Blogger can do some things that I don’t feel like trying to figure out on WordPress.  Yes, I am lazy and don’t want to write my own code.  Blogger also plays much more nicely with my Blackberry than WordPress does.  I waited and tried out the new WordPress apps for Blackberry.  Not entirely impressed and not willing to wait the updates and upgrades.  Not only am I lazy, I am also impatient. 

Until I can figure out how to import my 700+ posts to Blogger, the blog will serve as my “archives.”  (Because we all know that future generations will want to read all about my sewing projects and my fascinating life.)  I will try to remember to post a link here to new posts on Blogger for a while, sort of like leaving a forwarding address. 

Who knows… after a few weeks, I may decide I hate Blogger and come back.  In addition to lazy and impatient, I can also be terribly fickle.   If something is not working for me, I have no problem cutting bait and taking myself down to the next fishing hole.  (When did I get so folksy?  hmmm)  Let’s blame it on a very long day and very little sleep. 

Over 21

Posted on: 2 August, 09

My neighbor’s daughter (MND) loves shopping at Forever 21.  The styles are very current and a bit funky.  The price point is perfect for someone who works part time at a movie theater.  The selection is endless and changes frequently.  She has found some adorable outfits there.  However, MND was distraught when she saw a woman of “at least 50” wearing a dress that MND saw in Forever 21.  She explained that a woman of that age should not be shopping in the same stores as MND.  She is not at all “ageist,” but simply thought it made the woman look like she was trying to pretend she was still a teenager.  It made her look foolish. 

The conversation then shifted to my struggle to dress age appropriately when I were the same size as a 6th grader.  Also, 45 is tricky age.  It is time to let go of the youthful 30-something look, but I am so not ready for the granny look.  I explained how I constantly struggle to dress in a modern way that is keeping with my age, but not too stodgy.  My size leaves me perilously perched on the edge of looking like a little girl… with grey hairs popping up and crow’s feet.  Not a good combo.  MND said, “No.  You definitely have a great style that matches your personality and is right for your age.”  She likes that I keep up with the trends without being trendy, that I am realistic about my size and shape.

Logically, the opinion of teenager should not matter, but it does.  I don’t want to look like a fool who is desperately clinging to her long lost youth.  I am not sure my friends would have the courage to tell me my style stinks, especially when they know I sew my own clothes.  “Not only do you dress badly, but you designed it that way.  Ewww.”  But a teenager is brutally honest. 

We decided if you are over 21, you need to stop shopping at Forever 21. 

Well, I had started this really cute little post about my cute little top.  The phone rang.  I had to step away from the computer to deal with the phone call.  On the way back, the doorbell rang.  Had to chat with a friend for a while.  Ooops, suddenly it was time to shower and get dressed for dinner with Hubski for our anniversary.  Dinner was lovely.  When we got home, another friend showed up.  By the time I wandered back to the computer, I noticed that it had automatically installed updates.  Normally, not a problem because I always save my work, especially before I walk away from my computer.  Except this time.  Grrrr. 

It’s late.  I am tired.  This is what you get… lots of lame excuses.  At this point, you are probably thinking, “Gee, this top had better be something spectacular.  She’s teased with promises of photos for ages.”  I’ll be honest.  It is cute, but I am not sure it will live up to the hype.  This is kind of like the commercials for ER in its last few seasons.  “The most incredible episode of ER ever!!!!!!!!  You won’t believe what happens next!!”  Had they not hyped the episode to be the greatest thing since the invention of the sewing machine, I might have enjoyed them more.  But every week, like a moron, I would be expecting something AMAZING! and UNBELIEVEABLE!  What I got was warm milk… comforting, familiar, and sleep inducing.


P.S.  Save your work.

During the countless hours I was on hold with various incompetent “customer service” people, I made use of my time by sketching and planning some sewing projects.  At Mood Fabrics, I picked up a very unusual fabric with no clear of what I would do with it.  I finally decided that it should be a jacket, but there is not enough for a jacket.  Playing around with sketches helped me figure out a solution.  A trip to the fabric store is required before that project can move forward.  While in NYC, I also bought some navy blue eyelet to mimic a fabulous Isaac Mizrahi dress.  It was a sort of wrap style with a full skirt.  The more I thought about, the more I realized that the full skirt might be a little overwhelming on my small frame.  Again, sketching led me to a solution.  It will be another Ottobre hack and another project that requires a trip to the fabric store for lining.  Of course, I need something to work on in the meantime.  Aha!  Another Ottobre hack for another fabric from my NYC trip.  That one has already been cut out.  The phone calls were no less annoying, but sketching and planning sewing projects kept my stress level from skyrocketing. 

About three months ago, J got his learner’s permit.  Thus far, most of his driving has been with Hubski on the weekends.  We all agreed, until he gets a little more experience, he does not need the distraction of C in the car, not that would intentionally distract him.  We are also careful about where he drives, weather conditions, and time of day.  It seemed, for a while, whenever we were going somewhere that J could drive, it was storming or after dark.  It has been a while since I have driven with him.  Last week, he drove me to the library… and I wasn’t totally nauseous with anxiety. 

J is doing quite well with driving, but he is a new driver.  More importantly, I am new to having my baby behind the wheel.  It is definitely a weird concept… my baby, driving, like a grown up.  He is careful, takes instruction well, and is calm behind the wheel. 

Today, he drove us to taekwondo.  It suddenly occurred to me that we were having a conversation instead of me giving him instructions, my foot wasn’t going through the floorboard, and I was rather relaxed.  Is his driving getter better or I am simply get used to the idea?  Part of our conversation was about how the cost of our auto insurance would sky rocket when he got his full license.  J said, “If it is that expensive, I can wait to get my license.  There is no rush.”  I have good sons. 


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